Saturday, June 26, 2010


Just forgot to mention that the little town of Casteneda is about 3 km before the town of Ribadiso, and about 26 miles to Santiago--closer than Louisville is to Brandenburg.
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  1. Gwyn and Jerry were married today and lots of BUMC people expressed to me, the same emotions that BG our supreme Queen Bee conveyed on your last blog. In simple terms, it comes out like this: "RUN-GIRL-RUN!" I am more inclined to advise you to go all the way to the coast and to consider this year's adventure just as prelude to those that will come in the future. Your metamorphous is almost complete. I wonder when the catharsis is complete, what manner of person returns to fold….

  2. Bev, did you tell us what the little houses on platforms are for or did I miss it. I am so glad that you are getting to sleep in some kinder accommodations. You deserve it after all this way. You can't walk the path if you are not prepared with healthy food and good sleep. God be with you and see you soon. Linda

  3. I didn't tell you what the little houses were. I wanted you to guess! Go back to the entry with the picture and find out.
