Thursday, May 20, 2010


Photos of the Pyrenees will have to wait. They are all on my camera. Here is a picture of the College of Santa Maria in Roncesvalles.


  1. Well, you have the first part of your journey under your belt. Was that about 18 miles mostly uphill? Wow. What does the night bring? Are you finding comfortable accommodations and are you too sore to sleep? I'm keeping my co-workers abreast of your progress. They are as impressed as I. Love ya, Shari

  2. You mentioned the breathtaking view – please note your comments are breathtaking to us without the time, money or most importantly, the bravery, to do what you are doing. I pray you sleep well and find the morning beyond your expectations.

  3. Hi there from Leslie and Donald. Had some difficulty sending this, but Roger came to the rescue. We are very excited to see each step of the way. Looking good so far... take care of your tootsies (feet!). What an incredible journey. How is the food? And sleeping accomodations? Can't imagine walking uphill for that long, let alone downhill. You are amazing!
    Love and all our good thoughts. Leslie and Donald

  4. May the Lord bless you on your pilgrimage. May he
    give to the strenght you need each day and the weakness that allows you to meet him.
    When you get to Moratinos look out for the Peaceable Kingdom, the home of Rebekaah and Paddy. They will give you a real pilgrim welcome.

  5. Great start, Bev. Hearing that you knocked out 18 miles uphill the first day is encouraging, since that is what I will be averaging on my coast-to-coast. Hope you are having another inspirational walk today.

  6. Can't wait to see the pictures! Good luck on the next leg of the journey...may some of it be downhill!

  7. I walked the Camino in May of 2007, and look forward to returning next spring. Your words and pictures bring it all back to me. I will read your posts and sigh.

  8. Thanks again for all kind words. There is so much to tell but it is slow going on the Blackberry! Pilgrim Patch, I have heard of the Peaceable Kingdom and will look for it.
