Saturday, May 15, 2010

Lesson #1: be flexible

My bags are packed, I'm ready to go, but my stand-by flight's not lookin' too good. My pilot friend has advised that Tuesday looks better. Time to be flexible...
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  1. WOW! So lucky you found out BEFORE you got stuck in Atlanta!!!! More importantly, Master Pilote Ben says you now have a much better chance for on upgrade to 1st class to Parris. Sounds good me. Most importantly, do I still get to take you out for lobster dinner??

  2. Thanks for the comment on my site, Bev. Just wanted to give my best wishes as you embark upon your great adventure. Buen camino!

  3. Bev, Good luck on your trip. Can't wait to hear more!


  4. Up, Up and away....someday. don't get bummed...use it as the first stepping stone in your walk.
