Saturday, February 27, 2010

Diez Kilometros con La Mochila al Hombro

Friday the sun showed her shining face and smilingly beckoned me to hit the road. I donned my new Osprey Aura backpack, filled with most of the items I will be taking with me (sans-or rather "sin"- toiletries, rain gear, and water bottle). I clipped on my newly acquired Blackberry, and headed out on the six mile path I had just mapped out around my neighborhood. (The pack weighed in at 8 pounds. I hope I can keep it under 12, or at most 15.) I soon entered a kind of Zen in my loping gait, a mental state that I acquire when walking slowly and steadily. The pack never gave me a moment's discomfort. I paused once to snap a photo with the Blackberry camera and send it on its way to my husband's cell phone. Yes! I can do this. Six miles in the early morning manana temprano, six miles in the late morning, with a break for almuerzo, perhaps a little Rioja vino tinto to make light the heart. But can I do it for forty days in a row? Solo el tiempo lo dira!


  1. I just read your blog from the beginning - you are a great writer, and I look very much forward to following your journey!
    Buen Camino,

  2. Que Bueno! That espanol is coming along! Way to go Mama!
